For the small handful of people who actually read my posts you might have noticed a lack of content from me recently. Basically I've taken a break of sorts from writing not necessarily because I felt the need due to burnout or any such thing though. I've actually been working two jobs and there has been little time left for writing. Besides, every time I try and post something on here Blogger acts like a bitch and keeps having issues with a long running script. This happens whether I am on my laptop or my home computer and no matter what network I try and use. I have however recorded two episodes of my Ten For Tuesday music podcast which have been received with enthusiasm and general all around acclaim. At least in my own mind.
I'm not sure how this will end up, the sad fact is that if I want to keep my house I need to work extra until things improve monetarily. Maybe my mother needs to get serious and win the lottery and give me a million dollars. Then everything would be perfect. So get with it Mom. Seriously. Until that day comes I guess it's up to me so I'll try and write when and where I can. The problem is I'm lazy. That might actually be an inappropriate use of the word. Actually I like my comforts and my discipline is lacking when the alarm goes off and I've had little sleep. That's something to work on in the coming year I suppose.
Last year was the year that I finally started my podcasts and I've declared that this will be the year that I build my audience. I have no idea how I will do that but nevertheless, it shall be done. To that end I have someone working on a new logo (perhaps several) for Ten For Tuesday and if that goes well I'll see what he can do for notmovingpictures as well. As soon as that is done I will start a Facebook page for my creative endeavors so that I can separate it from my personal page. I hope to also have an intro recorded for Ten For Tuesday sometime soon as work permits. Lot's of exciting new things on the horizon.
One last thing, the music on these podcasts (and another forthcoming) was inspired by the Stuck In The 80s blog, guest contributor KevinWuench in particular. He has been posting videos on the blog and I've seen some of them and then bounced from song to song on YouTube until I've found that I had thirty songs, enough for three episodes. However, on Episode 21 I mistakenly stated that Kevin is also the new co-host of the Stuck In The 80s podcast but in fact that is Brad in L.A. See, even I make mistakes. Still, it has no effect on the quality of music so feel free to listen here or at It only costs a little of your time.
Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.