Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ten For Tuesday Episode 185: Small Primitive Points

Primitive Teeth - Plastic
Dignitary Stylish - Tamo Junto
The Skints - Out My Mind
Coriky - Clean Kill
tricot - Bakuretsu Panie San
Local H - Turn The Bow
Pinch Points - Lifetime Member
Scourge Of Ians - Resident Expert Artpunk
Small Crush - Chicken Noodle
Mike Park - Keeping This Seat Warm

Email: tenfortuesday@gmail.com  Twitter: @notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.com

Older episodes can be found at www.archive.org. Just search for Ten For Tuesday.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

An Attempt At Writing A Haiku

Okay, For what it's worth I was sitting around with nothing better to do so I came up with a haiku. At least I think it is. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Of course, I had to do it my way so there you go. This is based from an idea for a zine that I have thought about but not written yet. Seemed like a good idea at the time.


I discovered
We all have a shit story
Inside our own head

Update: So it's a few hours later and this one popped in my head. It took about two minutes to write so that may attest to it's quality or lack thereof. I have no idea what I'm doing or why.


A pondering mind
Is a terrible burden
When passion is gone

Email: notmovingpictures@gmail.com Twitter & Instagram @notmovingpics

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


So I followed a link on Twitter to a poem from Ali Trotta that, for lack of a better word, moved me. I felt the need to, not respond, but get this out of me. Admitting this to myself isn't easy but it's part of my healing process I guess. Change though, I have no idea how to after so many years.


I don’t know if I was born
Or shaped this way
I only know this way
Living in fear
That I’m not good enough
For people to like
That I’m not good enough
For a woman to love
That I’m not good enough
To exist
That any woman will find
my love a disappointment
and leave me alone
If I’m already alone
Why take a chance
I have no hope
No expectations
Only daydreams
Of reshaping my past
They can never come true
I’m left with myself
Not loving myself
Hating myself
Wanting to change
Not knowing how
You can’t grow anything
When you have a hole
In your heart
Sometimes walls are the
Only thing you can build

No matter how painful