After I took a look at them I made a pass at the top page and it changed a bit. Some of the stuff on the backside was not connected and came out later so I'll hang onto those scraps, you never know when they'll come in handy. Below you'll see the finished (for now) product.
working man
present me with questions
none of which I like
pronounce the company motto
invoked with a straight face
I know that your way or the highway
doesn’t coincide with my way
you like my results but
say my methods gotta change
haven’t you ever heard
don’t fix what ain’t broken
just another example of dumbing
it down to the lowest common
everybody is on even footing around
no child’s been left behind
appearances are all that matter
what if I don’t want my participation
Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.