Monday, April 20, 2015

Issue One Of My Zine Exercising Demons Is Available

Issue one of my first ever zine, Exercising Demons is finally out. It took me a lot longer to figure out what I wanted to do and how to do it than I originally thought so after this it should be an easier and smoother process. In case you're wondering what a zine is well, it's the easiest way to self-publish there is. You have control over what you want to do or say, how you want it to look, what size it should be and most importantly what the content will be. Or you can do one as part of a group, a collective. Really, it depends on you yourself. Some people like to interview bands or people they find interesting, some review restaurants or book stores, some write fiction or sci-fi, some write from a personal point of view and then there are those who do all of these things and more. Self-publishing is all about freedom.

Right now it's available at my favorite record store Holy Mountain here in Tulsa and I'm looking into other places that are good for zines. Of course I will be giving them away at the Tulsa Zine Fest (did I mention that it's free?) held at the Rudisill Library on May 30th.  I will probably be giving copies away or leaving them laying around venues when I go to a show (like The Slackers this Friday). Other plans include sending them into Razorcake, Maximum Rock N Roll and some websites that review zines to help get the word out. In July I've got a road trip coming up so I'll be sure to take plenty with me and leave them in a foreign land, well at least in Kansas City and Denver.

I've already got quite a few topics I want to write about for issue two as well as a separate zine that will be about me trips to Peru, all two of them, and what I encountered there. Issue two should be twice as large, one is only eight pages long and I've got a big mouth with a lot to say. The question you may be asking yourself is but if I don't live in Tulsa and am too shy to go to places like Holy Mountain how can I get it? Just send me an email at and we'll see what we can do. I am extremely open (watch it) to trading zines with fellow writers and yes Mom, I'm sending some home so you guys can read it too.

It's strange that it's taken me so long in life to find this but now that I have I promise to bombard every place I can find with the fruit of my loins, at least figuratively. It's the least I can do.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

What I Got On Record Store Day

If you weren't aware yesterday was Record Store Day but I wasn't looking for anything being put out just for that day. I grabbed two zines and three seven inches all of which can be seen in the picture above. I love going to the record store anyway, there's something about looking for a new zine or digging through the bins scanning for something you remember from long ago or something that simply looks cool. Hopefully you supported your indie DIY record store yesterday and will continue to do so throughout the year. There's a loft of cool stuff to be found that you'll never see at the mall. Mine's called Holy Mountain, what's yours?

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.