Tuesday, August 30, 2016

My To Do List Is Getting Kind Of Long

My to do list is getting longer and longer as my impending vacation looms large. I've always been a very good procrastinator, damn near a champion at it as a matter of fact. Need proof? Well in college I would wait until about ten o'clock the night before I had to give a speech for class to start on it. I always got an A on those speeches I'll have you know. Here's the list so far in no particular order but it doesn't include family, house or work stuff, i.e. the-not-so-fun stuff:

Get two episodes of Ten For Tuesday ready
Get one or two episodes of notmovingpictures ready
Make issue two of Badly Drawn.....On Purpose zine
Make issue three of Exercising Demons zine
Make issue one of What She Said zine
Make issue one of Crap I Used To Draw zine
Write and post book review of The Folly of Loving Life by Monica Drake (long overdue)
Write and submit zine reviews for Zine Nation
Re-write short story Lonely Life (just a working title)
Work on t-shirt design ideas
Pack for my vacation
Finish other preparations for my vacation (lists of gifts to buy, etc)

Perhaps I just thrive on getting things done at the last minute. That's what I've done here. I could have gotten serious with these zines weeks ago but no, I don't do things that way. More than likely I'll get three of them done which is good since the Tulsa Zine Fest is the week after I get back from my vacation and I'd like to have it all done before that. Which ones though, that's the question.

The zine and book review won't take very long as I've been mulling them over in my head for some time now. The music for both episodes of Ten For Tuesday is almost ready and there's a loose plan for notmovingpictures. The short story re-write will have to wait until I get some more feedback from family and friends. After that, well, things will just have to fall into place now won't they? They always seem to whether I like it or not.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ten For Tuesday Episode 101

The one after one hundred, it shows that the music goes on. A bunch of punk, a little ska, some Spanish language and other stuff from around the world. Love it.

The Amputees - Al Hammer
Stiff Little Fingers - My Dark Places
Adult Magic - Collide
Satelite Kingston - Al Final
Danny Rebel and The KGB - I Wanna Go Home
Bombino - TimTar
Grupo Fantasma - Nada
The Rats - Descending Shadows
Alice Bag - Little Hypocrite
Low Fat Getting High - Start All Over Again

Ten For Tuesday is a podcast dedicated to playing the music I couldn't find anywhere else. The music I like varies from style to style, genre to genre and era to era. You will hear punk, ska, rock, Americana, metal, country, rockabilly and more from all over the world. It doesn't matter if it's a major label or indie as long as I like it then it gets played. The motto is Less Talk More Music which means you won't hear me waxing poetic for fifteen minutes between songs. At TFT its all about the music...and me of course.

Email: tenfortuesday@gmail.com Twitter:@notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.blogspot.com
Old Episodes can be found by going to www.archive.org and searching for Ten For Tuesday

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Monday, August 22, 2016

notmovingpictures Episode 044: Should I Stay Or Should I Go

So this is the kind of an episode where I ramble on about how I've been trying to schedule a vacation in Peru and the thoughts or doubts I have about getting a medical scan to see if I may have a potentially bad (or not) medical condition and how all of the waiting makes me think about life. You can hear how all of this ties together and affects each other. Then I delve into the Peruvian Presidential election and our very own election here in the U.S. Lastly I discuss some zine projects that I need to get done before I go to Peru and some reviews I am doing for Zine Nation.

Extra points for you if you get the connection to the closing song and one of the themes for this episode.

Opening Music: Alloy - Live To See The Day
Closing Music: The Black Black - The Plan Is There Is No Plan

Email: notmovingpictures@gmail.com
Twitter: @notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.blogspot.com

Older episodes can also be found @ www.archive.org, just search for notmovingpictures

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Waiting Game

Waiting sucks. Not matter what it is you are waiting for the eternal truth is that waiting sucks. What I'm waiting for right now is for the three hours necessary for my DAT Scan to begin to pass. I'm in a hospital I've never been in before, in a city I'm unfamiliar with, by myself, as I wait. Perfect scenario right? I've had my solution to drink and the tracker injected but then three hours must pass before the scan can begin. I'm not always the most patient of people so waiting for this time to pass sucks.

If you're wondering what this DAT Scan is for well, where do I start? My older sister has Parkinson's Disease so when I was describing to her how I sometimes had a bit of shaking in my hands she advised me to get it checked out, not much later as I tend to do things, but now. So I got a referral to a Neurologist who assured me that I only had Essential Tremors which is nothing to worry about. Relieved I called her to let her know, only to find out that was exactly what she had been told as well. Only she didn't have Essential Tremors, she had Parkinson's.

Luckily there was a movement specialist in Tulsa and I was able to get in to see him for a second opinion, after waiting about four months that is. Unlike the neurologist he wasn't willing to write off what I have as Essential Tremors. It might be, then again it might not be. Turns out there are a lot of possibilities. So the movement specialist got this DAT Scan thing setup which will tell me definitively if it is Essential Tremors. If it isn't then.....well, we'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

It's been over eight months since this whole ordeal started. One wait after another. A little more time to pass and then the scan will be over. Then some more waiting to hear the results. After that I have no idea what will happen. If I'm being honest (and why shouldn't I be) Parkinson's scares the crap out of me. There are so many ideas and stories and things swirling around in my brain and the thought that I could have something that would slowly take away my ability to write or type or somehow bring these stories to life, is terrifying.

I haven't taken advantage of the time I've had in my life to do these things as I feel driven to do. If it's typical to wait until you have a scare or a close call or some kind of worry to get off your butt and actually do those things you've always wanted to do, then I guess that describes me to a T. I'm a very good procrastinator but if I continue to put things off 'til later then eventually there will no longer be a later. I only hope that's not the case and I do have more time it let it all out. We'll see.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ten For Tuesday Episode 100: Yeah, It's 100

For episode 100 I'm doing nothing special, just continuing to bring you ten great songs. Most of these are recent songs from artists that were around in the late 70s to early 80s. Most but not all. The rest just sound like they were influenced by them. All in all this is a great episode in my humble opinion. Deal with it.

Rhoda Dakar and Nick Welsh - Let Me Go
The Beat feat. Ranking Roger - Walking On The Wrong Side
The Selecter - It Never Worked Out
Bruce Foxton (From The Jam) - Smash The Clock
Paul Weller - Wake Up The Nation
3 Men + Black - That's Entertainment
Hugh Cornwell - Please Don't Put Me On A Slow Boat To Trowbridge
We Were Promised Jetpacks - Quiet Little Voices
The Twilight Sad - Last January
FM - Allan Poe

Ten For Tuesday is a podcast dedicated to playing the music I couldn't find anywhere else. The music I like varies from style to style, genre to genre and era to era. You will hear punk, ska, rock, Americana, metal, country, rockabilly and more from all over the world. It doesn't matter if it's a major label or indie as long as I like it then it gets played. The motto is Less Talk More Music which means you won't hear me waxing poetic for fifteen minutes between songs. At TFT its all about the music...and me of course.

Email: tenfortuesday@gmail.com Twitter:@notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.blogspot.com
Old Episodes can be found by going to www.archive.org and searching for Ten For Tuesday.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.