Monday, February 25, 2019

New Poem: the game

This poem came to me today and it took about two minutes to get it down. Then I rearranged a few lines and changed a few words as I typed it up. Simple and sweet. Love it when it comes like this.

the game

fat robin hopping closer
do you not see the fatter cat
perched atop the box
spying your every move
come closer it says
hand on the doorknob
to prevent a slaughter
sudden flash of movement
fat robin lifts to the top of the fence
fatter cat stops and observes
this game will replay

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

notmovingpictures Episode 096: Zines Out The Wazzoo

I've been meaning to upload this episode for at least two weeks but something else always comes up to consume my time. Until now that is.

This is a zine-centric episode if there ever was one. First I've had a piece selected to be in a zine for the first time ever, then I talk about the upcoming Hard Copy Zine Faire in Tulsa towards the end of the month and then go into all of the resources out there for zinesters and what a great source Xerography Debt is for finding perzines. I close it out with talk about going to Memphis and how I hope to find some zines while there. Of course I ramble on throughout and almost get a lost a time or two but hey, it goes with the territory. Before I forget, I also talk about the amazing novella Hammers On Bones by Cassandra Khaw whom I am now a big fan of. There are not enough words for me to say how much I enjoyed this novella. There, that should be enough, listen to the episode, alright?

Opening music: Alloy - Live To See The Day
Closing music: Kinoko Teikoku - Bouquet With Sea

Email:  Twitter: @notmovingpics

Older episodes can be found at Just search for notmovingpictures.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ten For Tuesday Episode 170: Mall Knife Men

Klammer - Baddest Blocks
Marbled Eye - Open Hand
Minutes - Boston In The '70s
Landlines - Mellow Eagle
Ovef Ow - Elevator
Mall Walk - False Living
The Woolen Men - Hammer
Native Tongue - Speaking In Captions
No Knife - Oh...I
Mega City Four - Chrysanth

Email:  Twitter: @notmovingpics

Older episodes of the podcast can be found at Just search for Ten For Tuesday.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.