Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Lyrics Day

I don't know why it is but for some reason new lyrics or new ideas seem to pop into my head while I am in the shower. And so it was today, I had just finished watching a movie and I had to get cleaned up for work so I jumped in and the beginnings of this one came to me. Perhaps it's a relaxation thing but it happens a lot to.


It’s come down to this
A mixed up state of mind
Kiss means kill
I don’t want to be left behind

Misunderstanding occurs
Repetition ensues
Drifting off into confusion
Identity is mine to lose

Mimic the voice that you hear
A crowd turns into a hum
Shift into rapid violence
The end has now begun

Comprehend the pattern
Bring her back from the edge
It’s our only chance
Before long we’ll be dead

Call out the guard
Rain down the bombs
The people are merely afraid
How long can this go on

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Episode 15 of notmovingpictures is Ready!!!!

The much delayed episode 15 of the notmovingpictures podcast is finally available. This time around Don and Tommy go for an in depth discussion on their differing writing styles and how those very differences compliment each other. Of course you know at some point that Don will start rambling as he is wont to do but it wouldn't be the same otherwise. Tommy's band Alloy is working on new songs and that factors in as well. As always Alloy supplies the opening music and this time the closing music is from The Rollins Band. Listen to it here or go to where you can stream, download or subscribe on Itunes.


Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ten For Tuesday Episode 25

Episode 25 is late this week because, well, do I need a reason why? Of course I do. Podomatic gives a certain amount of space for free so in order to keep adding new episodes I have to delete the older ones. I didn’t want to lose those older episodes so the idea was that I would post them on the Internet Archive thereby keeping them available for as long as the Internet exists. The only problem is that I stopped porting them over after Episode 7. Recognizing my lack of productivity I started moving them once again and as of right now I have added Episodes 8 through 12. My goal is have all episodes moved so that when I put a new one on Podomatic I will then immediately upload it to the Archive and not have to worry about this issue in the future.

A pleasant by product of this laziness on my part was that when I looked at the episodes I had already uploaded (1-7 for those keeping score) was the amount of downloads each of them had received. Now I’m not suggesting that they were in the hundreds but most had more downloads than they had on Podomatic. The largest amount so far has been 40 so it was a nice surprise for me. It made my day a little bit better to know that someone out there is listening (albeit not a lot of someones…so far). Anyway, enough of my babbling, here’s what you come here for, the music:

The Stubborn All Stars – Pick Yourself Up
The Magic Touch – Dance Pon Di Corner
The Equators – Age Of 5
Inspecter 7 – Brother vs Brother
Fishbone – Ugly
The Sunnyboys – You Need A Friend
The Boys – Brickfield Nights
The Scientists – Last Night
The Victims – Television Addict
The Saints - Stranded

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Behind Again On Writing About My Podcasts

I've been lacking updating the blog about new episodes of the podcast so once again here are two episodes that have been put up in the last few weeks. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have another new episode ready for consumption. Overall my effort lately has been lacking any kind of urgency and that's just not good enough. Instead of sleeping last night I stayed up late and did a lot of the dirty work necessary to keep this thing going forward so perhaps that will help.

Since I can only keep a certain number of episodes on Podomatic my idea was to move the older ones to the Internet Archive in order to free up space. I realized that I hadn't done any of that since episode 7 so now I am trying to play catch up with the intent of having all of them on there within the next two weeks. So far I'm up to Episode 12. Now if only I can keep the momentum going. Once I am done I'll be able to upload the new episodes as the come out on Podomatic. One thing that I've noticed is that on the Internet Archive I have a lot more downloads than I do on Podomatic. That was a nice surprise.

I'm still inching forward with getting a music opener and logo for the podcast and after that is done a Facebook page will be coming. Then I can sit back and rake in the money. Yeah, right. This thing is a labor of love at best. No once that is done I'll start on notmovingpictures and get all of those episodes moved as well. Then I can start on my old ska radio show tapes. There's always something new to think about. You can go here to download, stream or subscribe on Itunes to the podcast. Until next time..........

Ten For Tuesday Ep 24: Something Old Something New

Ten For Tuesday Ep 23: Thanks Stuck In The 80s Part 3

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Something New This Way Comes

I was sitting in church today (skipping my class) and this one came out. It's very rough (okay a lot rough) but it pertains to a couple of things that have been in the back of my mind a lot lately. Sooner or later they'll come rising to the top and there you are. And no it isn't about my sexuality goofballs.

It’s staring me in the face
But I avoid it
A small whisper building to a roar
But I pretend not to hear
So obvious like a slap in the face
But I can’t admit it
Too many questions too many what if’s
What can I do what can I say

Is there such a thing as use it or lose it
Or is it never too late to make the change
Adapt and charge indulge your youth
It’s not about who knows just go do it

Don’t wanna live doomed to regret
The perfect idea goes nowhere alone
Unable to live solely within your thoughts
Say it out loud and write it down

The time is soon coming

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Friday, February 8, 2013

More Than Just Time

I was listening to some Will Hoge tonight and got inspired. This is what came out:

More Than Just Time

Needed a job so I signed on the dotted line
Spent eight years in the ranks
Before I decided to move on
One wife came and went
Took almost as long to leave her behind
 It ended up costing me more than just time

Away from everything I’ve ever known
My life has been left behind
Traded my view of right and wrong
Stood in my booted feet in the shifting sand
Wasn’t supposed to have chambered a round
Never had to kill my fellow man

My father served as his did before
When I look in my son’s eyes
I don’t want this to go on anymore
Some secret man hiding behind secret walls
Send the best off to die somewhere else
Always with profits in his eyes

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.