Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ten For Tuesday Episode 058

Another episode, ten more great songs. Lot's of newer stuff this time around however there are some older songs on the last set that aren't heard that often. I guarantee the Guadalcanal Diary and Catholic Girls songs never get played on 80s radio stations. That's their loss if you ask me. As a matter of fact you could say that none of the bands this time around are extremely well known and that only goes to show just what is wrong with the state of radio today. But then if they were being played I guess there'd be no reason for a podcast like this to exist so I'll just shut my mouth. For now.

The Crunch - Down By The Border
Go Sell Drugs - Drugs And Roses
Bedford Falls - Call Me Old Fashioned, But....
Red Dons - Unheard Words
Driveway Speeding - The Comforts Of Home
Autistic Youth - Deadbeat
Typesetter - Young Professionals
Swervedriver - Duel
Guadalcanal Diary - Litany (Life Goes On)
Catholic Girls - Someone New

Ten For Tuesday is a podcast dedicated to playing the music I couldn't find anywhere else. The music I like varies from style to style, genre to genre and era to era. You will hear punk, ska, rock, Americana, metal, country, rockabilly and more from all over the world. It doesn't matter if it's a major label or indie as long as I like it then it gets played. The motto is Less Talk More Music which means you won't hear me waxing poetic for fifteen minutes between songs. At TFT its all about the music...and me of course.

Email: tenfortuesday@gmail.com Twitter: @notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.blogspot.com

Old episodes can be found by searching for Ten For Tuesday at www.archive.org.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ten For Tuesday Episode 057

Once again this has come down to the wire, my wife has had me busy working on her projects. If you're single you won't understand but it comes with the deal. Luckily, I've had the idea for this episode for at least a  month so all I had to do was gather the music files and determine the order of songs. There's not a lot of talking which is a good thing, just ten great songs from the 80s and 90s that don't get any kind of airplay around here. In two weeks we'll see what kind of mood I'm in and what I can dredge up from my musical memories. Later.

Wire Train - With God On Our Side
Devo - Jerking Back And Forth
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
Georgia Satellites - Battleship Chains
Beat Farmers - Riverside
The Replacements - Kiss Me On The Bus
The Rainmakers - Let My People Go
Matthew Sweet - Sick Of Myself
Concrete Blonde - God Is A Bullet
Soul Asylum - Somebody To Shove

Ten For Tuesday is a podcast dedicated to playing the music I couldn't find anywhere else. The music I like varies from style to style, genre to genre and era to era. You will hear punk, ska, rock, Americana, metal, country, rockabilly and more from all over the world. It doesn't matter if it's a major label or indie as long as I like it then it gets played. The motto is Less Talk More Music which means you won't hear me waxing poetic for fifteen minutes between songs. At TFT its all about the music...and me of course.

Email: tenfortuesday@gmail.com Twitter: @notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.blogspot.com

Old episodes can be found by searching for Ten For Tuesday at www.archive.org.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Father And Son Comic Book Day

My son turns seven at the end of the month so I thought it was about time to introduce him to the time honored tradition known as the comic book shop. He loves to read (takes after me) and he loves superhero movies like The Avengers and Spiderman so it seemed like a foregone conclusion that I should help to facilitate the connection for him. So off we went to The Comic Empire located here in Tulsa. We found a few cheap Marvel ones and a Sonic The Hedgehog and another whose name escapes me at the moment. We were just looking for something to get him started. I got The Walking Dead volume 19 as well as a few Judge Dredd issues from the 80s.

Truthfully I am out of my depth with comics. I read them a lot when I was a kid but that was a long time ago. A really long time ago. In the last five years or so I have gone to the library and read The Walking Dead volumes 1-18 and whatever they have by Kevin Smith. Tulsa County has a really good library system. I'll have to take my time getting back into this because I need to educate myself. Collecting comics isn't really something I'm interested in doing. I only want to acquire stuff that I'll  to read multiple times, basically I'll just like I do with books.

I did also have an ulterior motive to going to the comic book store. I've had a story idea running around in my head for a while now and at first I thought of writing it as a movie script but lately I've been entertaining the idea of making it a comic book. Problem is, I don't know any artists that have experience and/or interest in doing something like this. I had a good conversation with the owner of the store and found out from him that while there seems to be a lot of writers in this area there is also a dearth of artists. Still, I think it's a good idea and I'm going to try and see where it can take me. At the very least I can gain some knowledge about the whole process. Maybe the next time I get to go to Peru I can find some artists there because that's where this story will take place.

Afterwards we ended up going to the movie theater to see what was showing. As it turns out Captain America: The Winter Soldier just came out yesterday so we ended up spending way too much money to see it in 3D. I will say however that the seats at the AMC theater were pretty awesome even though we were in the front row. Basically it's rows of recliners attached to each other so it's like watching the movie with the comforts of home (and a lot more people). We had a pretty good time to say the least. Then it was off to get something to eat where my son could play and I could use free wi-fi to write this. All in all it was a pretty good time for a father/son hang out day. Every time we have one I try to do something different, the last time was laser tag and with summer coming I foresee more outdoor types of things.

However I also get the idea that going to the comic book store will be something that we'll be sharing fairly regularly. Some of my fondest memories from childhood were walking from the 9th street projects in Ironton, Ohio to the downtown bookstore where I could buy and trade comics. It was a more innocent (some might say ignorant) period in my life. Those days can never come back but I can take every opportunity to make this time in my sons life as good as it can get. Making these trips to the hallowed ground of the local comic book store is one of the best ways to do that that I can think of. Who knows, maybe later in the summer I'll also actually be able to make the pilgrimage to Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash in Red Bank, NJ. A boy can dream can't he?

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ten For Tuesday Episode 056

I have had several different episodes in mind for this week. There's a bunch of older stuff as well as some obscure retro music that I want to get to but in the end this one won out. I know, the music contained on this episode isn't exactly known by the populace but believe me, it isn't obscure. We'll see which direction I go with the next one but for right now we have ten excellent tunes, mostly punk although to me they're just rock but what do I know?

Southport - Snakes And Ladders
The Copyrights - 20 Feet Tall
Downtown Struts - Always Heading West
Sloane Peterson - Recover
Nothington - Solid Ground
Shang-A-Lang - Nasty Weather
Bonecrusher - Blvd Of Broken Bones
Lemuria - Clay Baby
Caz & The Day Laborers vs Victor Rice - I Give Up
The Sore Thumbs - Rank And File

Ten For Tuesday is a podcast dedicated to playing the music I couldn't find anywhere else. The music I like varies from style to style, genre to genre and era to era. You will hear punk, ska, rock, Americana, metal, country, rockabilly and more from all over the world. It doesn't matter if it's a major label or indie as long as I like it then it gets played. The motto is Less Talk More Music which means you won't hear me waxing poetic for fifteen minutes between songs. At TFT its all about the music...and me of course.

Email: tenfortuesday@gmail.com Twitter: @notmovingpics
Blog: www.notmovingpictures.blogspot.com

Old episodes can be found by searching for Ten For Tuesday at www.archive.org.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.