Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ten For Tuesday Episode 072: Frustration Part Deux

And I thought last week was frustrating. I've recorded and deleted parts of this episode more than four times. Everything looks fine individually but when I out it all together suddenly files change from stereo to mono. It makes absolutely zero sense. Of course after making the last change I had to re-record all of my audio and edit it and.........well you get the point. It's enough to make me wish I could afford to buy some good software and take a class on how to use it. But I can't so I end up trudging forward with what I've got. Frustrating? Immensely, at times. Ah well, I keep telling myself that it's worth it because I enjoy doing it (overall) and perhaps the handful of listeners think so too. Enough bitching, here's the music even though it's a day late:

Radioactivity - Other Life
Generacion Suicida - Estoy Sangrando
Toxic Reasons - War Hero
Jason And The Scorchers - Last Time Around
Lone Justice - I Found Love
The Long Ryders - I Want You Bad
Wednesday Week - Why
Parasitic Twins - It's Shoved (Melvins Cover)
Defiance, Ohio - The Calling
Belgrado - Those Times

Ten For Tuesday is a podcast dedicated to playing the music I couldn't find anywhere else. The music I like varies from style to style, genre to genre and era to era. You will hear punk, ska, rock, Americana, metal, country, rockabilly and more from all over the world. It doesn't matter if it's a major label or indie as long as I like it then it gets played. The motto is Less Talk More Music which means you won't hear me waxing poetic for fifteen minutes between songs. At TFT its all about the music...and me of course.

Email: Twitter:@notmovingpics

Old Episodes can be found by going to and searching for Ten For Tuesday

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

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