Issue 2 of my zine, Exercising Demons has thankfully been reviewed by Keith Rosson for the Razorcake website that I hold so dear on my birthday. If you want to go to their site and read it then click here. Considering it was only my second issue and I'm still learning (even at my old age) I think it's pretty cool. There is room for growth as a writer and zinester but this review and the one for issue 1 make me feel that I'm doing something right, just not great, yet that is. So of course I'm going to copy and paste the review below but do me a favor and go to their site anyway. You might find something you like there. After all Razorcake isn't just a website, it's a record label, a magazine, a podcast, a book imprint (Gorsky Press) and so much more. They'll be receiving some of the sweet birthday money I just got very, very soon. Looks like it's about time to start on issue 3. And now for the review:
Personally, I don’t ever want to reach a point where I discount zines out of hand. I never want them to become rote, common things. There’s an inherent bravery in the attempt at communication that zines signify.Exercising Demons is the second effort from a fifty-something-year-old guy, which I think is super impressive and pretty courageous. It takes a lot to put yourself out there. This is a collection of anecdotal stories and a handful of poems. I personally found the stuff about his first band, his time in the military, and his experience as a reluctant participant in a frat brawl as a college kid the most compelling reads. The writing’s a little stiff and the layout could definitely use some visual sprucing up, but again, a nod to this guy for trying new stuff. –Keith Rosson
Written and Published by Don Leach.
May not be used without permission from the author.
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