Friday, April 20, 2018

notmovingpictures Episode 86: 1318 4th Ave And Me

These things never seem to end up how I want them to. While listening to the latest episode of the Henry & Heidi podcast I got inspired to tell the story of the time after I had gotten out of the Army and returned home thinking I could at least find cool, live music at the only alternative music venue in the Huntington, WV area called Gumbys, only to find that it had closed. It would be reincarnated under at least two more names later and I was able to see a ton of really cool bands at that space. As I thought about those times I could hear my thoughts in my head in my own voice and it sounded great.  Lots of interesting comments and memories seemed to bubble up from my unconscious. When I got the chance to record however all of that seemed to have faded away and what you have left is here for you to listen to. Hey, at least I talk about seeing the Rollins Band and Clutch in the same year at that very same spot, 1318 4th Avenue.

Opening music: Alloy - Live To See The Day
Closing music: Rollins Band - Low Self Opinion

Email:  Twitter: @notmovingpics

Older episodes of the podcast can be found at Just search for notmovingpictures.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

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