Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Podcast Episode: notmovingpictures Episode 16

Well, It's been quite some time since there has been a new episode of notmovingpictures. As a matter of fact it's been over three months. Thankfully it appears that the dry spell is over. I expect to have quite a bit of content coming forth in the next month or so. So long as everything turns out the way I think it will there should be a plethora of it. I also have a solo episode that I recorded about two months ago and once I get a chance to listen to it I can decide if it's worthy or not of being posted. I mean, who wants to hear me whining and complaining for over half an hour right? Basically I have to make sure that it's listenable before releasing it.

Enough rambling, let's talk about this episode. Tommy and I first discuss the status of his band Alloy and the updates that was made to the band's website ( Then we speak of things like creativity difficulties and I mention how important I feel that Steven Pressfield's books are to recognizing and then combating resistance.

After this I posed a question to Tommy. What if the Hot Tub Time Machine taken from the John Cusack movie were a real thing and knowing what you do now you could go back in time and see not a single concert but a music festival? Which would he choose? We discussed the Texxas Jam (one of which Tommy did attend) and the US Music Festival from 1982 and 1983. After that the conversation devolved into a general talk about 80s music and it's relevance to today's youth before coming to a sudden end as we realized we were out of time. All in all I feel it was a worthwhile slice of what goes on in two faltering, feeble, nearly old guys minds.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

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