Sunday, May 31, 2020

notmovingpictures Episode 102: Covid 19 Rambling But At Least X Keeps Rocking

This episode was recorded before recent events in the U.S.

It took a pandemic and being outsourced for the 2nd time in 3 years to get me to put out a new episode. Lots to ramble about. Coronavirus and it's impact and how the rich don't care if you and I die, so long as they make their money that is. I haven't been writing much which is the opposite from most people who are staying at home. They seem able to put songs out, write stories and reviews or do artwork. Hell, X put out a killer new record which rocks! I can't seem to get anyone to write some music for my lyrics. Come listen to me bitch about it.

Closing music: X - Alphabetland

Email:  Twitter & Instagram: @notmovingpics

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

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