Sunday, July 14, 2013

Urinating In Paracas, Peru


I saw this sign in the bathroom of the right on the beach restaurant we went to in Paracas, Peru after we had taken a boat trip to the Isle de Ballestas. The thing that stood out to me was that if the owners or manager or whoever felt the need to put this sign up there was a reason and that reason could only be an ongoing problem with people urinating on the floor. I mean, you don't put up a sign like this in order to prevent something that isn't already occurring.

The food was great and the restaurant was nice so I can't think of too many reasons why they would have this kind of problem. Unless of course some patrons were consuming so many cervezas that they found themselves unable to aim accurately when it counted. Since it's a place where you get many tourists, both national and international, it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case.

At any rate I found the sign amusing enough that I took the picture, alright I took two pictures but this one was the best.  I won't comment on whether my aim was steady or not back in the days that I used to drink. I'll leave that to the imagination.

Written and Published by Don Leach. May not be used without permission from the author.

1 comment:

Gary Rivera said...

Pues al menos esta vez no se te acabo el papel higienico jajaja Hay letreros para todo tipo en Lima, solo que no hemos tenido tiempo de verlos todos! Subiré algunas fotos para que las veas en cuanto las encuentre.